How to Fuel Your Mind for Creativity
FRANK's Components of Creativity
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Suggested Use:Add 10-60 drops to water, 1-4 times per day'Ingredients:Dry root of Angelica (dong quai) O, fresh root of Arctium (burdock) W, dry fruit of Vitex (chaste tree berry) O, fresh flowering herb of Leonorus (motherwort) O, dry root & rhizome or Cimicifuga (black cohosh) O, and dry root of Glycyrrhiza (licorice) O.'WarningsO=Organic W=Wildcrafted SHAKE WELL. The presence of particulate matter in this product is normal Consult a healthcare practitioner for proper use Pure grain alcohol: 55-60%' MECO4 (4MECO) Wise Woman Herbals
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